7 Important Things You Should Always Tell Your Car Insurance Company

Last updated Dec 30, 2022 | By Emma Clark
7 Important Things You Should Always Tell Your Car Insurance Company image

Good or bad times, in life, we cannot predict what might happen to us. We could be walking or jogging around the street and a car suddenly hit us, we could be waiting for a Taxi and an ex-convict took us as a hostage, we could be riding a plane and one of the engines broke, we could be writing an article and all of a sudden, we had a cardiac arrest.

1. When you’ve been in an accident

 It is important to let the company know about the issue so that they can directly or immediately help us. Basically, the point of this article is to state the importance of insurance especially to car accidents because it gives protection against possible risks, collision of cars or even uninsured coverage, the medical payments for the driver, damaged by a calamity, and etc. It will help us purchase to cover the cost on any damage to the car and the injury we sustained during an accident.

2. When your driving habits change

We go to work to have a stable life in the future and to have our families live the life that they deserve. As we grow older, we realize how to be a responsible person. When we are driving, our habits change because of the fact that we are driving with our families with us, slowing and following the standard speed to avoid accidents, and showing our kids how to slow down. Parents are also teachers, what we do is what our kids do. This paragraph is also for the readers expressing that how well and safely we drive depends on our attitude. We are significantly less likely to drive erratically or put ourselves in dangerous circumstances if we have a positive mindset and a clear head.

3. When you add a security features to our cars

Some cars have security features and some doesn’t. Consider how much work it would be to complete all of the tasks we currently take for granted every day and sometimes because we are in a hurry, we get into accidents. We are too occupied of what we are doing, we sometimes left the keys in our automobiles or we left the car engine running. It is only natural that we want to do everything we can to keep it safe. The main purpose of these security features to help reduce of accidents especially to blind spot areas, to provide sufficiently high reliability and availability, and we can also determine who the suspect is when our car is stolen. The other benefit for security features is that we can have a discount on our premiums if we let our insurer know.

4. When you’re using the car for business

Personal and business purposes need two different policy car insurances. This ensures smooth process in times of trouble while using the car. Whether we are driving our car to earn extra cash or transporting clients to different locations as a gig, make sure our insurance car company knows and spills the conditions when our cars are not covered in insurance.

5. When someone not on your insurance is driving the car often

When we let a friend use our car, be sure that this happen only for a few hours because if this is regularly done, we need to include his name in our insurance policy. Anybody who uses the car on continuous and consistent bases like going to and from work and doing other activities including teens who had just started learning and using our car.

6. When you buy a new car

We won’t be able to use and leave the parking lot without being covered by the car insurance if proof is needed. A new car insurance policy would usually require 30 day grace period to process insurance policy. Without insurance policy, we might take from our own personal or pocket expenses and obligations in terms of accidents.

7. When you add expensive upgrades to the car

The satisfaction of driving a new car model, upgrading our vehicle can greatly enhance our driving experience. If we do not properly maintain old cars, they can soon become unreliable and cost us a lot of money. However, if we think about upgrading, we should also consider the insurance rates to climb and inform our insurer to make sure we have the proper coverage.